'We are super excited to welcome Princess Alexandra Hospital to the ClinTrial Refer community'
Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) is a major teaching and referral centre and one of the largest hospitals in Australia. In line with government health strategies, PAH is focusing on high acuity patients under the care of Medical, Surgical, Cancer, and Rehabilitation. PAH is committed to the delivery of high-quality health care, teaching and research services and PAH supports the Metro South Health Research Strategy 2019-2024, which has been developed to acknowledge the significant impact that research and researchers contribute to the delivery of high quality healthcare services to the community, and to focus Metro South Health’s research efforts in coming years.
The Division of Cancer Services – Cancer Trials Unit (DOCS CTU) is dedicated to providing a high-quality service for the delivery of clinical research treatments for patients with cancer. The research conducted explores questions of optimal drug use, novel combination chemotherapies, targeted therapies, radiation therapy, new diagnostic tests, prognostic indices, best supportive care, molecular predictors of response and cost effectiveness. The aims of the CTU are to offer patients with cancer access to new treatments or treatments that would be otherwise be unavailable to them, and to contribute answers to important scientific questions to the cancer care community.
In addition to Oncology and Haematology trials you can also source clinical trials for Gastroenterology and Hepatology at PAH, using the ClinTrial Refer app.
Download the App or visit the website to start searching! www.clintrialrefer.org.au