“The Australian Cardiovascular Alliance is pleased to partner with ClinTrial Refer utilising its digital footprint to increase the visibility, recruitment and knowledge management of our current clinical trials in cardiology, as we aim to tackle one of our biggest health burdens.” Associate Professor Gemma Figtree, President - ACvA.
We are very pleased to welcome the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) to the ClinTrial Refer research community. The ACvA is a collaboration of our highest quality cardiovascular research bodies and scientific societies, individual researchers, industry and non-government organisations, aiming to increase the visibility of cardiovascular disease as a national health priority in the Australian community and government.
Established in 2015 the ACvA is a not-for-profit, incorporated entity with a focus on bringing together strong and strategic leadership and sound arguments in support of achieving greater impact from cardiovascular research. The ACvA has grown to represent the unified voice of cardiovascular researchers, industry and peak bodies throughout the country. The ACvA’s structure, goals and commitment to building the capacity and capability of the sector means that the very best research leaders and teams can be strategically placed to work as closely as possible with the health system and industry towards prioritised health problems, providing greater value for money from government investments and greater impact for the Australian community and economy.
Six strategic flagships have been established to help cut across major clinical challenges in cardiovascular disease and bring together the entire cardiovascular research community through a whole-of-nation approach along a bi-directional translational pipeline. This ensures that Australian cardiovascular researchers are aligned to the most urgent clinical challenges and that discoveries and innovative approaches to care are translated to the patient’s bedside.
The ACvA is a unique model in the Australian landscape and provides a strong framework to drive international success and collaboration. The ACvA welcomes like-minded researchers, clinicians, peak bodies and industry from across the globe to collaborate with them in achieving their vision.